Friday, October 1, 2010

My strong little abang

Bingkisan ini ingin ibu abadikan untuk diri dan sekiranya di izin Allah untuk tatapanmu Abang .. ketika si abang sakit...

At that time it was just abang alone..belum ada adik lagi...adik masih dalam kandungan 6month if im not mistaken.Abang demam, flu, cough on off but yang pasti his throat/mouth smells. Still rmber Dr kat klinik kata biase as tonsil dia bengkak.Tapi ibu tak puas hati, as the smell is really bed and ibu can see white spot on your tonsil during  visit to parents house pergi sekali hospt govt for check up and Dr sana agree your tonsil really inflamed and dah ada puss so you have to be admitted.Since it was weekend we hav to wait for Dr ENT oncall and he also agrees abang have to be admitted sebab ibu say abangni susah bangat with oral medicament sedangkan antibiotic needed asap.

The first sign of bravery of my little abang...nurse kat ER cube carik line...take quite awhile...but managed Alhamdulillah...n abang nangis sikit not becos of the pain but becos of the nurses yg surrounding him.Dia dah selalu sgt sakit that he got scared dengan Dr and Nurses.And since there is a shortage of bed..we hav to wait awhile before being transfered to the paed ward and because of no other choice kami ditempatkan together wit children yg mostly maybe keracunan makanan ataupun dehydrate sebab muntah2 and diarea.

Abang seems better after the 1st dose of antibiotik thru IV. Dr reckon 5 days/ 5 dosage of the first 2 days/1night was seems better and adapting well to the hospt environment.Then on the 2nd night ...something terrible happen...ibu saw tangan abang bengkak...i reckon the IV needle dah terkeluar and the antibiotic/water accumulate kat surrounding rather then goes to the bloodstream, anway called the nurse and depa bukak the needle.ibu guess mase abang tido.. lasak sgt n that thing not secured enuf to withold his gatal hand yang keep rubbing it away sebab tak selesa. Anway since the morning after is monday and the clinic is open..then we were brought to the Dr room..and another line have to be find untuk IV for the continuation of the antibiotik. the Dr took about 40min! nak carik line as he say my little abang has a very fine veins....from his other hand (yang satu still bengkak) to arm then dr go to the leg area then check again the palm/hand area...jentik2 sapu sana sini akhirnya alhamdulilAllah dapat jugak Dr pasang satu line kat another hand. and all that while how brave my son is...imagine 40min being surrounded by the dr and his pembantu ...All i can do is comfort him and pray hard that Allah will make things easy.

Day 3 and day 4 berjalan dengan bagusnyaa and si abang is not like a sick child anymore and no more smell coming from his mouth...and dr say if all goes well he can be discharge the next day.But then that afternoon sebab dia lasak sgt and happily main with other children.his IV  needle sekali lagi tercabut!!!!....masha Allah...punya lah tak tau nak kata apa as ibu knows the egony untuk dapat line...but then ibu agree untuk bagi mouth administered antibiotic/augmentin as its only for another 2 more doses. But then that night after the augmnetin being administered,  abang muntah-muntah...then diarea...and it gets worst throughout the night but Dr tak ada.

Ibu rase next day was sabtu..ada Dr round but Dr from paed ward..not ENT....Dr oncall came only later in the afternoon....the Dr seems lost as dunno what can be the cause of your muntah2 n diarea..maybe the augmentin....although ibu reckon its the abang have been infected with the virus of other patient yg muntah2..yet the Dr didnt do anything yet except  paracetamol becos temperature abang also escalate...Ibu start to get agitate...dok tidak puas hati with what happening ..terase Dr tak buat apa2 untuk membantu..w/pun kita berada di hospital tetapi tak ada siapa datang membantu mengurangkan kesakitan abang muntah2 and diarea. Ibu mula rase stress..and Baba memujuk agar ibu tabah and sabar tetapi ibu terasa sangat sangat stress dan tidak berpuas hati kerana Dr seperti tidak membuat immediate action.Anway later that night Dr say he will send his fren yang working in neonatal ward to see abang and help to find the line for IV if needed.. She came abit late ..but ibu like the way she deal with the situation.

She talk slowly n calmly n ibu ask her opinion if its better to put again the line for IV. She say she undertsand ibu agony in putting abang again to find the line(already  been 5 Dr including her yang akan cube find the line so far)...and she also point out that abang is not really in that dehydrated situation (as abang still indded breastfeed but then throw out again later)

Anway ibu decided we should discharge ourselves and ibu will look after you at home better..away from the virus at the hospital...and go to private hospital in which inshaallah we will be better treated if needed.Dr ENT was sayaing he agree to discharge us provided we go to private hospital..not home treatment. We stay in Ampang for 1 night....abang temp back to normal less vomitting but still diarea. We went back to Shah Alam  the next day and ibu xplain to the Dr there what had happen for the previous 6 days. He agree to put abang in ward but no medication will be aminstered except that he ask ibu to give you ths soya milk really rather then cow's milk.Katanyer your usus dah usus dah really thin n cant tolerate lactose that whay u keep having diarea.So all that is needed is to persuade you to drink 3oz evey 2 hr without you vomitting back. kalo tak boleh then kena masuk drip.Abang manage to drink without vomitting back..alhamdulillah..

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