Sunday, September 25, 2011

Here it comes again

Salam to all

The cold n flu n cough season are the adik has been 2 days at home officially yesterday was his 1st day being absent from school. Pity him .. a severe cough shaking your little body.

The abang on the other hand come home today chirping like a bird and telling me that he has something for me and adik.... a letter from school for ibu and tadaaa a very small truck toy for adik and a small car for himself. He said the teacher gave it to him as he has been very good at school and teacher gave him hadiah.  abit skeptical about this but i dont want to have 'buruk sangka' on him..all ibu can do is to pray that you did not and will never ever steal from school or from your friends at school. Truth/ lie is still a mystery concept on him i guess. So ill be giving a watchful eye on this.

As fr me its my 4th day of shawal fast..inshaAllah ill finish it on the 29th of shawal..just in time...been very tired lately and when adik is sick, the lack of sleep makes this tiredness even worst.

And a quick note on the driving test yesterday...i failed again...huwaaaa.....but atleast i didnt feel cheated or zalim/unjustly treated...the police say im not good enough....and need practice and inshaAllah i will succeed next time...shwaiya shwaiya he not sad though takpelah...there will be next time inshaAllah.

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