Today 1st time ever tinggalkan comment kat blog that i visited most. The subject is Breastfeeding.As adik's weaning time is so in dilema to cont or not. My consious heart kata cont as il not loose anything except my beautiful 8hr continous of other not consious heart plak kata...sudah sudahlah..phaps after this i can move to next step of pisahkan the children to their own room.mmmm..been looking forward for that too....we will see..i still miss my babies in my arms.
anway looking at older says abang's 1st day absent from school in aug...mmmm today he is absent again...n i rmeber on the 28/feb n 1/march dia miss school gak..miss d school farm visit..thats why i rmber d dates :)...dah banyak sgt he misses his class due to not being well..both him n as his adik..are tehy golongan yg sellalu sakit?? or just normal kids yg sakit sekali sekala?.. Anway he is not that terminally ill today he just cant get up for school due to extreme tireness...1hr after waking up that he is jumping as new horse...sometime i wish i hv d mean to drive him myself to school so that i hv more time to assess his condition before deciding he is Ok or not OK for school.As for now 30min after he wakes up bus dah dtg tin tin tin...n school start 1hr after that. InshaAllah khair for all...i need to learn to trust my guts kata org...n of course make doa that this is d best for him.This should be my way of making decision always.Ameen